Marriage counseling and relationship counseling for couples and individuals in Denton, TX Learn more and schedule your free 15 minute phone consultation today!
Marriage and relationships can be hard!
You remember the joy and fun that the 2 of you had in the beginning and how things used to be in the relationship but it’s so different now. Now you feel so disconnected from each other, almost like you are living two separate lives and you feel so alone.
Small communications which seem like they would be easy, lead to fights. You fight over stupid little things over and over again and don’t know why. You’ve tried to explain what you need umpteen times only for nothing to change.
This hurt from all the little cuts that have happened along the way have caused you to feel resentful. And then there are the big cuts and betrayals that happened that feel impossible to overcome, to let go of, and to move beyond. You sometimes wonder if it would be easier alone but it’s not really what you want.
This relationship, the way it is, is just not working for you (or your partner)
What you really want is to feel connected to each other. You want to be able to have productive conversation and conflict without it blowing up. You want to feel heard and understood by your partner, and you want to feel like you can connect and hear them too. Find the feelings that you once had for each other, move past the hurt, and experience a deeper level of intimacy in your relationship.

We can help you
the relationship and get to a better place
We can help you heal the relationship and get to a better place. Give us a call to schedule your free phone consultation for marriage counseling in Denton, TX at 940-565-8300 or click here to send us a message. We truly care about helping you find a way to heal the hurts so that you an enjoy being married again.